Frequently Asked Question

How do I enter degrees/minutes and seconds for latitude and longitude
Last Updated a year ago

Decimal degrees are standard for mapping programs while degree/minutes/seconds are standard on most legal descriptions. The conversion is fairly simple and here is the breakdown

* Each degree is equal to 60 minutes
* Each minute is equal to 60 seconds

Convert Degrees/Minutes/Seconds to Decimal Degrees
Ex: 45 25' 30"
* 30/60 = .5' is the conversion of seconds to minutes
* (25 + .5) / 60 = 0.425 degrees
* 45 + .425 = 45.425 decimal degrees

Convert Decimal Degrees to Degrees/Minutes/Seconds
Ex: 45.425
* Get the starting decimal by subtracting 45 from 45.425
* 45.425 - 45 = .425
* Multiply .435 * 60 = 25.5 minutes (there are 60 minutes in a degree)
* Get the decimal by subtracting 25 from 25.5
* 25.5 - 25 = .5
* Multiply .5 * 60 = 30 seconds (there are 60 seconds in a minute)
Answer: 45d 25' 30"

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